A few words about

What We Do

Education & Training

Aim is to give everyone a chance to learn and benefit from basic education. Committed to ensuring all children in India have access to inclusive and equitable quality education.


Dealing with specific health issues such as alcoholism, • promoting health rights, • performing preventive health programs, and • managing health finance and administration. providing services and health advocacy. Provision of services includes medical, social and psychological services as well as, integration activities, care and nursing, material and financial support, educational and information services and training.


Raising environmental concerns, developing awareness of environmental issues and promoting sustainable development. We worked in the field of Eco-development, creating awareness about water and energy conservation and encouraging the use of non-conventional energy sources. Pursue activities to relieve suffering, promote the interests of the poor, protect the environment, provide basic social services, or undertake community development’.

Women Empowerment

Providing basic education, vocational training, training for self-employment, legal aid, protection for women and self-awareness programs. Thus they are mainly concerned with the upliftment of the women in the society.

Child Care

To help provide better education to children in the following ways: By creating schools that have a learner-friendly environment, especially across villages and slum for children of all ages. By talking with families on the importance of sending their children to school and helping them through the admission process.

Old Age

the best medical treatments and take proper care of the elder persons which leads the elderly people to have a peaceful living. A good care of the elderly people and provide them comfort and happiness which is much needed by the elders. To address the various challenges faced by senior citizens in terms of quality healthcare, abuse, etc on societal, state and national level.

Disaster Response

Providing relief materials, involvement in rescue operations, arranging temporary shelters; organize health camp and developing communication facilities. Also provided training and education to the children.


To help people who are suffering from social injustice directly by providing food, clothes, shelter, equipment or medicine in areas that are in most need. They also try to prevent social injustice from happening by persuading. government to act in different ways.


Treatment, rehabilitation, community care, research, training and capacity building, awareness and lobbying.

Disability & Handicap

Providing a voice of their own, identifying needs, expressing views on priorities, evaluating services and advocating change and public awareness. As a vehicle of self development, these organizations provide the opportunity to develop skills in the negotiation process, organizational abilities, mutual support, information sharing and often vocational skills and opportunities. In view of their vital importance in the process of participation, it is imperative that their development be encouraged.


Providing relief materials, involvement in rescue operations, arranging temporary shelters; organize health camp and developing communication facilities. Also provided training and education to the children.


Capacity building, livelihood development, watershed development, market linkage, farm productivity improvement, increasing farm income.


Developing soft skills through sports to make cost-ridden sports participants from marginalized societies appear attractive to employers.

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